
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

While Making Plans, Life Happens!

Yes, I know!  I've been missing in action for some time now!  You know how that goes -- while you make plans, life happens.

Here are a few of the things that have kept me away.

First we had a big celebration.

When we all get together, it is quite a party without additional guests!

Many family photos were taken on Friday night and then there was a dinner the following night with lots of family time in between.

Then there were a few projects that kept me busy.  I made bunting for the Church nursery.

Nursery B windows. These are double.  There will be a tutorial in the future.

This is a mirror for the kids, but a window for the parents who can check from the hallway without being seen by their precious babies.

Nursery A has the same type window.  This is the infant room.

The little curtain hides the collection of DVD's.

Then before I knew it --

It was time to get ready for Christmas!

Lots of presents exchanged!

Fleur de Lis was the theme this year.

The cousins love to get together and there is drama!

And a little fashion help.

And finally, last week, I got to take a quilting class with Bonnie Hunter.  More on that later, too!

That is what happened -- Life!  I've missed you, but plan to be a regular blogger now that those things are in the past!  I missed you all!

Until Next Time!



julieQ said...

Hey lady!! I am glad to hear from you, and I see a friend or two with you and Bonnie! Hope you had fun!

Botanic Bleu said...

Life has been treating you well!

It has been unseasonably cold here making me pile on the quilts. Of course, that made me think of you.
