Maybe summertime living was easy then, but this summer is anything but easy with temperatures soaring all over the country. We are used to it in AZ, but on the morning news they announced that Wichita, KS was way over 100 degrees and with the humidity, the heat index was around 120 degrees. They are NOT used to that!
A while back I showed you the table runner I made for Sheila and promised to show you the one I use in the summer time. So, here goes!
Yep, it is yellow and blue. Are you surprised? Okay, guess not. This is a pine burr variation block. As with most traditional blocks, there are several with that name. This one reminds me a bit of a Bear's paw block and they WOULD be found near pine burrs, right?
In this close up of the block you can see that the half square triangles are in a different position than in a Bear's paw block, but still the effect is similar.
This close up looks a bit washed out. I must have left the flash on as flashes tend to wash out quilts. Note the heart in this detail of the quilting. It's saying I love to quilt!
This is the back of the table runner. The quilting really pops on the nearly solid background fabric. There are a LOT of feather variations in this quilting. Love those feathers! They are such fun to quilt!
This is the summer table scape using my three tiered stand. The largest shell was a gift from a friend, but the rest were collected at Hobby Lobby I think. What? We don't have beaches in AZ and I LIKE shells. The ceramic apples I bought from an advertisement in the back of a magazine long before anyone bought things online! They have survived 3 kids and a pack of grand kids -- amazing! The pineapple candle stands were a gift from a friend. The three tiered stand? Well, I found one for a wedding gift and bought it. They had two, so I bought one for me, too. I wonder if that gift shop is still there. It was called the Blue Willow and I loved to hang out there. They had the greatest items!That's the summer story. Hope it makes your summer day more enjoyable.
Quilt 'til you wilt!