
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Grandparent's Day

This is one of those "good things" posts. 

Last Friday I took the day off to attend Grandparent's Day for two of my grandchildren who live in Tucson.  It's a two hour trek and the school had set the hours for grandparents to visit at 7:30 AM to 9:00 AM.

Since I get up at 4:00 AM everyday, that wasn't a problem. 

These are a problem.  It would take just over an hour to get there if it weren't for these!  "These" are the Catalina Mountains.  To get to the East side of Tucson, you have to drive around these if you are driving from my house!  It takes an hour to do that!

Don't look at the chipped, dirty windshield.  And, yes, I know taking a picture while driving isn't the best idea.  The first two were blurry.  There wasn't anyone else in the car to take a picture, so I did the best I could.

This was the reward!

The precious girl in pink is our granddaughter "H".  She used to call me "Yamma Yo", but now that she's a first grader, I'm Grandma Lo.  Note the waving hands.  They were performing the songs they will sing at the Naturalization Ceremony in a few weeks.  They were all precious!

This is Mary with "H".  We share her.  She is the other Grandmother.  She is precious, too!

We got to go see granddaughter "L", but they were taking a math test so no pictures performing.  I should have taken pictures of her art work and her, but they were in class.  When you are older, I guess you don't "perform" for the grandparents.  But her art was a self portrait and a description of herself.  She is Lovable, Energetic, Artistic and Happy.  I say she is also Awesome.  She has new glasses and they look so cute on her!  They are blue!  She's a girl after my own heart!

After the program was over, we went to Starbucks.  YES!  I was ready for a cup of java!  Mary had an appointment, so daughter Mindy and I picked up her husband, my son-in-law and Mary's son so we could hang out for the day.  His "weekend" right now is Thursday and Friday.

We shopped for bread first.  Then we headed to the fabric store.  I got some ticking fabric and some Osnaburg.  Then we went here!

Woo Hoo!  Culver's has come to Arizona!  That is a pumpkin concrete and it was excellent!  Oh, yeah, we ate some hamburgers or something, but who cares, right?  This was the treat!

Here are the people who treated me!

They are precious, too!  They know the best places to go.  After lunch we headed to Barnes and Noble!  What a special day -- I felt like a kid out of school.  Well, since I skipped work to go have fun, I guess I was -- sort of.  Well, not the kid so much, but it was sure fun!

Alas before I got to see granddaughter "A" who had swim practice after school and grandson "C2" (We have two "C" grandsons.) who had a Jr. high football game scheduled a storm started coming in.  The Monsoon season in Arizona is not to be taken lightly!

It was time to head back home before I got caught in a Haboob (dust storm) or in the heavy rains we sometimes get with them.

It was a very good day!

Next time we'll be back to quilts.  I think we'll walk with the elephants next.

Until then, take care!


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